Discover: Our Authors


Get free vet advice online from our Pet Circle Vet Squad! Our awesome team have over 120 years of collective veterinary experience and knowledge. They're the pet care experts behind our Vet Pet Plans, articles, videos, Teleadvice Consults and Chat with a Vet service; helping you to pet better.

To learn more about a particular member of the Vet Squad, their experience, areas of interest and even a little bit about their pet(s), click on their picture.

Pet Circle's In House Veterinarians

Previous contributors

Dr Kimberley Chainey

Kim enjoys travelling, spending time at the beach, and teaching her Border Collie, Louisiana "Lou" new tricks!

Gemma Radcliffe

In her life, Gemma has owned cats, dogs, budgies, tropical fish, hermit crabs, chickens, guinea pigs, a rabbit and a stubborn rat named Bijou.

Jessica Varley

Jess is the owner of a small Chihuahua army and lover of all things pets.

Nolwenn Le Tinnier

Nolwenn loves all things 'bunny' and is a proud rabbit owner and lover herself!