Author Profile

Dr. Josepha Cox, BBiomedSc(Hons) DVM

Last Updated December 2023

Dr Josepha graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2015 and has spent her time in small animal practice in Melbourne. She has a special interest in diagnostic imaging, nutrition and geriatric medicine. She is currently completing further study in animal nutrition and her favourite part of being a vet is helping senior animals to live happily and comfortably into their twilight years.

Dr. Josepha's Pets

Dr Josepha's house is currently ruled by a cheeky tabby named Arthur. Arthur was adopted with an issue in his balance (vestibular) centre meaning he has a permanent head tilt when he walks. However, this doesn't stop him from being one of the most active and intelligent cats she's ever known. He can perform many tricks including fetch, high five and dinging a bell for treats!

Josepha's Top Recommended Products


This is my go to product for almost any cat/dog with stress or anxiety. I love how versatile this natural calming supplement is. It can be used in puppies, kittens, nursing mothers, adults and seniors and is safe for both short and long term use. It really helps my cat relax on trips in the car.

BIG DOG Probiotics

Probiotics have been described as a missing essential nutrient. Countless studies have shown their benefits not only in pets with digestive issues but for healthy animals too! I believe all pets can benefit from probiotics.

Mr Fothergills Cat Grass Kit

With Arthur being an indoor cat I need to find ways to provide him with enrichment. Cat grass is a perfect way to do this! It's a natural source of fibre and he loves the texture and the taste. If it were up to him would have no problems eating it all in one go!


Unlike some ear cleaners that have a strong odour and can sting, this veterinary dermatologist created formula is the safest and most gentle I've used. Great for use as a general ear cleaner or for those pets prone to ear infections.