Author Profile

Dr. Nicole du Plessis, BVSc (Hons)

Last Updated February 2024

Dr. Nicole du Plessis is one of Pet Circle's qualified veterinarians and passionate pet care enthusiasts. Dr. Nicole graduated from the University of Queensland in 2016 with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science and worked for a number of years in small animal clinics across South East Queensland before joining the Pet Circle team. Over the years, Nicole has developed special interests in preventative medicine, infectious diseases, small animal medicine and ultrasound.

Her favourite part of being a vet is being able to make an immediate impact to improve pets’ health and wellbeing. Improving client education and being able to strengthen the human-animal bond is a very rewarding aspect of this profession.

Dr. Nicole's Pets

Nicole has two Rough Collies, 'Lady' who is 8 years old and 'Gracie' who is 3 years old. Lady was diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency at 3 years of age. Despite being on life-long medication with every meal, she is still enjoying life! Both dogs love to go for walks, rides in the car and P-A-R-K! Although, their favourite activity by far is mealtime!

Nicole, Lady and Princess Gracie

At Pet Circle

History: Dr. Nicole joined Pet Circle in late 2020. Forming part of our veterinary team, Nicole provides advice to pet parents on an array of different pet care topics via Pet Circle's Ask A Vet service. Nicole also provides support to the customer service team.

Dr. Nicole's favourite part about working at Pet Circle is being able to virtually meet all the adorable pets, while furthering owner education. Helping owners with topics like nutrition, training, general health and finding solutions is a very rewarding part of the job.

Nicole's Top Recommended Products

Nexgard Spectra

"Living in Queensland, deadly paralysis ticks are always in the forefront of my mind. Nexgard Spectra is what I trust to keep my very fluffy collies protected. It is so easy to give the tasty chew once a month, they think they are getting a reward!"

Glyde Joint Powder

"A joint supplement with proven ingredients, Glyde is perfect for any older animal with osteoarthritis, or any animal with a history of joint injury as a means of prevention."


"My dogs absolutely love these, it is their favourite after dinner treat! They finish their meal and run over to the cupboard where the Greenies are kept. The flexible texture of the Greenie assists with plaque removal as they chew, and it is shaped like a toothbrush!"

AFP Food Maze

"Gracie just hoovers down her meal and it has been very difficult to find solutions to slow her down! The interactive food maze helps slow her feeding down, improve digestion and provide extra enrichment at mealtime!"