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We understand that choosing the right heartworm preventative can be overwhelming, given the range of options on the market. That's why at Pet Circle we range the most reliable heartworm preventatives for dogs, each with its own unique features and benefits.
Heartworm is a parasite that can cause serious and fatal disease in dogs. This is transmitted by mosquitoes that have fed on an infected dog and when they go on to feed on another dog, the heartworm larvae enter the dog's body, migrates to the heart, lungs, and blood vessels, potentially causing inflammation, severe organ damage and heart failure.
In the early stages, dogs may not show any signs. However, as the infection persists, you may notice coughing, exercise intolerance, inappetence and weight loss, at which point, the disease is already at an advanced stage.
With consistent monthly dosing, preventative heartworm tablets/chews are highly effective at ensuring your dog is protected. Additionally, certain products like Nexgard Spectra, Credelio Plus, and Simparica Trio, contain ingredients that also have coverage against fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms, making your dog's regular parasite prevention program easier and more convenient.
When a dog has an active heartworm infection, treatment can be lengthy, risky, and expensive. This involves eliminating all life stages of the heartworm in the dog. On top of exercise restriction, different meds may be prescribed to stabilise the patient and kill the adult worms. Unfortunately, as the adult worms die, there is a risk of blockages, respiratory distress, or an anaphylactic reaction, so close monitoring with your vet is essential.
Regular prevention spares you from risky and expensive treatment, and grants you peace of mind that your dog is regularly protected.
If your dog's heartworm prevention is not up to date, please see your veterinarian to discuss heartworm testing. Administering certain preventatives to dogs that have an ongoing infection can be risky and result in a shock-like reaction.
Please note, additional parasite protection may be recommended with each of these products.
Injections and spot-ons are also available. The heartworm injection is a sustained-release form available through your vet. This is administered for one year at a time, while spot-ons like Advocate, are monthly topical solutions squeezed onto your dog's skin between the shoulder blades, or along the back.
Puppies can start on heartworm prevention at 8 weeks old. Many products are labeled safe for use in puppies starting at this age and it's important to follow the dosing instructions and be consistent in staying on top of your pup's parasite prevention program for well-rounded protection.
For more information, reach out to our Vet Squad for free vet advice available 7 days a week.
Author info: Dr Antonella Virina Pet Circle Inhouse Veterinarian.
Remember, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian before starting any heartworm preventative. They can assess your dog's specific health needs. In some cases, a heartworm test (small blood test) is recommended to ensure the safe administration of monthly preventatives. See our article Heartworm facts that owners should know.
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