How to Groom a Dog

A complete guide to grooming your dog

LAST UPDATED January 2024

This article is written by Pet Circle's qualified veterinarian, Dr Samantha Wycherley

Grooming is an important part of keeping your pup happy and healthy. Grooming requirements and the effort required depends on your dog's breed and coat type. Having a grooming routine which is suitable for your dog will help to keep their coat and skin shiny and smooth - as well as hopefully keeping your home free of excess hair!

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Tear Staining
Further reading

Dog Bathing

Dog Shampoo

There are a number of different shampoo and conditioners available which cater to a range of different dogs. Some shampoos have been designed for dogs with sensitive skin, others have been designed to enhance a dog's coat colour or gloss or assist with detangling the coat.

For a list of our top recommendations, see our article on Best Dog Shampoo.

Shop All Dog Shampoo and Conditioner Now

How often should you bathe a dog?

It is recommended to bathe all dogs regardless of their coat type however the frequency depends on a few different factors. Regular bathing will help to remove dirt and debris and keep them smelling fresh. Short coated dogs may only need a bath every few months (provided they haven't been playing in muddy puddles!) However, long haired dogs may need bathing every couple of weeks. We don't recommend bathing any more frequently than once every 2 weeks as it can strip the coat of its natural oils and lead to dry skin and flakiness.

For more information, see How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

How do you bathe a dog?

Some dogs love water and bath time can be a lot of fun whereas others find it more of a chore. Keeping them distracted with some wet food or liquid or paste treats smeared on a dog lickmat is a great way to make bath time more fun for everyone.

Certain breeds of dogs such as Pugs, English bulldogs and French bulldogs require extra attention due to skin folds which can contain a lot of dirt build up and lead to infections. Dog wipes are a good way to keep on top of this.

How to get rid of dog smell without a bath

There are times when it's necessary to reduce your dog's odour without a full bath, such as when you're time-poor, or in the middle of winter! In these situations, a waterless dog shampoo can help to absorb and remove dirt and oils, and keep your dog smelling fresh.

Waterless Dog Shampoo

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How to Cut Dog Nails

Nail trimming should be performed whenever your dog's nails start to touch the ground. Some dogs will wear down their nails naturally when out walking but other dogs will need regular trims.

  1. Get your dog used to being held, and their paws being handled from an early age. Give them lots of treats and praise when they allow you to handle their paws calmly
  2. Choose a pair of clippers to suit the size of your dog
  3. Have a second person help you to hold your dog while you clip the nails
  4. Start by taking just a little length of the nail to avoid cutting into the nail bed or 'quick'
  5. Keep sessions short and perhaps just do one paw or even nail at a time!

How to Stop the Bleeding on a Dog Nail

Don't panic if you cut the nail too short - even veterinarians, nurses and groomers do this from time to time. Often the nail can seem to bleed a lot! Apply some pressure to the nail with a tissue or gauze, and if your dog will tolerate it, a small bandage. Just like any other small cut, the blood will clot and the bleeding will stop with time.

Dog Nail Clippers

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How to Clip a Dog's Coat

There are many dog breeds which do not shed and require regular clipping to keep their coats under control - particularly poodle breeds and poodle crosses. Many owners elect to have this done by a professional dog groomer however some pet parents are happy enough to do the clipping at home.

It's important to start slowly and make the process a positive experience for your dog. To start with, turn the clippers on and without touching the clippers to their coat, give them a tasty dog training treat and turn the clippers off again. Repeat this process until they are not phased by the sound of the clippers. You can then begin the process of clipping their coat. Keep the sessions short and positive - you may need to complete the entire process in several stages. Take extra care around matted fur as this can pull on the skin and make it easy to cut your dog's skin.

Not sure which clippers would be best suited for you and your dog? Take a look at our article on Best Dog Clippers.

Dog Clippers

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How to Stop a Dog from Shedding

Shedding is a common complaint from owners. Some dogs will shed little and some will shed a lot! Shedding can be seasonal or it can be consistent all year round, depending on the breed of dog. If you are looking to adopt a dog into your family, taking some time to choose a breed that sheds very little will help if you are looking to minimise hair around the house! For more information, take a look at our Dog Breed Guide.

As frustrating as finding hair all over your house can be - shedding is usually completely normal. One way to decrease the amount of fur ending up around the house is to brush your dog regularly using a deshedding dog brush.

For other tips, see our article on How To Stop Your Dog From Shedding.

Dog Deshedding Brushes and Tools

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How to Remove Tear Stains

Tear staining in pets is caused by an overflow of tears, also known as epiphora, onto the fur below the eyes. This can be due to an overproduction of tears or a failure of the tears to drain away properly.

Pigments in the tears, known as porphyrins, are responsible for the reddish-brown tinge that is left behind on the hair when the tears dry. It is recommended to consult your veterinarian to rule out any medical issues that may be causing the epiphora, consequently you can then try the following recommended products below to remove and prevent the stains. Remember never to apply any tear removal product directly onto the eye.

The Best Products For Removing Tear Stains in Dogs

Shop All Tear Stain Remover Products Now

How to Clean Dog Ears

Ear cleaning is another important part of your dog's grooming routine. Some dogs will naturally have very clean, wax free ears and these dogs will require minimal to no ear cleaning.

Other dogs - particularly those that have floppy ears or are prone to ear infections should have their ears cleaned frequently.

If you are concerned your dog may have an ear infection it's important to book a check up with your vet before cleaning as this can cause some discomfort.

When cleaning your dog's ears, technique is very important! It's important never to use a cotton bud to clean out a dog's ears! Cotton balls or tissues are much safer and will absorb any excess liquid or debris. Head shaking after cleaning will also help physically remove any waxy build up.

Here is a guide to how to clean your dog's ears at home:
  1. Hold the ear flap and lift it into a vertical position
  2. Aim the tip of the bottle of ear cleaner into the ear canal and squeeze the bottle to apply solution liberally
  3. Without letting go of the ear flap, gently massage the base of the ear, downward and inward in order to disperse the ear cleaning product throughout the ear canal for 1 minute. Then allow your dog to shake their head
  4. Remove the excess fluid and debris with a ball of cotton wool or tissue and also clean the inside of the ear flap
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until the excess fluid no longer looks dirty

For more information, see our article on How to Keep Your Dog's Ears Clean.

Dog Ear Cleaners

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Dog Teeth Cleaning

Dental care is one of the most important ways you can support your dog's health. Around 80% of dogs aged over 3 years have some degree of dental disease. Dental disease is linked with cardiac and renal disease so maintaining good oral health is extremely important. Daily brushing is widely accepted as the gold-standard for home dental care. Check out our video below on how to brush your dog's teeth!

Dr. Carla demonstrates how to brush teeth, with the help of Bruiser the French Bulldog. Check out other helpful tips on Pet Circle's Youtube Channel.

Veterinary dentists recommend brushing your dog's teeth with a toothbrush daily to prevent dental disease, and it makes sense: after all, we brush our own teeth twice daily to prevent plaque and tartar build up. When brushing your dog's teeth, be sure to use a pet friendly toothpaste, as human ones are not suitable.

It can take a while to get your dog used to having their teeth brushed, start out slowly with short sessions to get them used to the taste of the toothpaste and sensation of the brushing. Although it may seem daunting at first, with a little patience and encouragement most dogs can be trained to accept toothbrushing as part of their daily routine.

Dog Toothbrushes

Shop All Dental Care for Dogs

Whether you have a Chinese Crested or an Old English Sheepdog - Pet Circle has a wide range of grooming products which will help to keep your pup's skin and coat silky and smooth.

Further Reading

How to Deal with Shedding Pet Hair

What is the Best Dog Shampoo?

Which Dog Brush Do You Need?

How to Remove Tear Stains on Pets

How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

How to Trim Your Pet's Nails