COVID and Anxiety In Our Pets


This article is written by Pet Circle veterinarian, Dr Belinda Stancombe

For many of us, the last two years with the COVID pandemic has meant a lot of unknowns: lockdowns, restrictions, working from home, masks, homeschooling......the list goes on! With these continual changes, it is no surprise that there has been a rise in stress, depression and anxiety amongst everyday Australians.

While we are often aware of these feelings in ourselves, do we ever stop to consider the affect that these changes have on our pets? While initially our pets were lavishing all the extra attention of us being home, this constant change in routine can have a negative effect on their health and well-being. Pets that are exposed to changing situations can suffer from stress or anxiety, and this can lead to the development of separation anxiety once owners return to work or their pet is left alone.

With so many changes happening that are out of our control, what can we do at home to minimise the impact on our furry companions?

Stress and Anxiety: Causes and Signs

During COVID restrictions or lockdowns, our pets may have become accustomed to having us around most of the time. When restrictions are lifted or routines changed, the sudden loss of company can lead to distress, confusion, and anxiety for our pets.

If family members are returning to work or school, it is important to watch your pet for signs of anxiety or stress. These behaviours will often be exhibited by your pet either just before you leave the house or when your pet is home alone.

Signs of anxiety and stress in your pet may include:
• Toileting inside
• Excessive barking
• Destructive behaviour
• Escaping
• Reduced appetite
• Licking their fur more than usual
• Lethargy or reduced energy

For 'pandemic pets' or those adopted during the COVID period, spending time separated from their owners or home alone may be something that they have never had to adjust to.

Below are a list of 8 ways to help minimise stress and anxiety in your pet when their is a change in your routine or your pet is left home alone.

For more information on separation anxiety in pets, see our articles Separation Anxiety in Dogs and How to Reduce Anxiety in Cats.

8 Ways To Minimise Anxiety In Your Pet

Image courtesy @lickimat

1. Ease Into It

If you can, try to make any change of routine as gradual as possible. It may be beneficial to leave the house for short periods of time before delving straight back into full-time work away from home. A few days before you go back to work or school, try a few half-day outings, leaving your pet at home by themselves.

Pet friendly work places are becoming more common in Australian so taking your pet to work one or two days a week, may also be a possibility.

2. Keep Exercising

Exercise is a great way for you to stay fit and bond with your pet. For those dogs that have been accustomed to long walks during lockdowns or owners working from home, a sharp decline in exercise may lead to excess pent up energy, weight gain and frustration.

Making the time to exercise your dog will not only have a positive impact on your pets long term health but can also positively impact owners mental and physical well-being. On average, dog owners walk more minutes per week and are 54% more likely to meet recommended levels of physical activity than those who do not own a dog. Dog walking may also be linked with a lower risk of obesity.

Exercising doesn't have to be just for dogs. If you have an indoor cat why not teach them to walk outside with this helpful veterinary written article Teach Your Cat To Walk On a Lead. Walking your cat on a lead is a great way to keep them active, stimulated and enjoying the great outdoors! Ensure that you invest in a good quality Lead and Harness and some patience.

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3. Consider an anxiety aid

If your pet is particularly anxious, you might like to try a pheromone product such as Adaptil for dogs or Feliway for cats. A natural anxiety supplement or treat can also help soothe your pet and ease the transition back to your normal routine.

4. Keep them Occupied with Clever Toys

Interactive toys are a great way to keep your pet busy and distracted if you're away from home. There are plenty of interactive toys which dispense treats or encourage your pet to work for their food. You can even make your own treat-dispensing toy by cutting small holes into an empty drink bottle and filling with kibble.

Durable rubber chew toys satisfy your dog's natural chewing urges while keeping them occupied. Just add KONG Easy Treat Paste or Mimi and Munch Pooch Peanut Butter and dogs can spend hours trying to clean up every last morsel!

Lickimats are designed to keep your pet stimulated and entertained, reducing boredom and anxiety as well as slowing those that eat too quickly. The flexible mat design and raised grooves allow food to be spread or sprinkled on the surface and encourage licking to retrieve the tasty treats, all while releasing relaxing endorphins. Try loading the lickimat with pastes such as Dine Creamy Treats, KONG Easy Treat Paste or even some natural yoghurt.

5. Create a Treasure Hunt

Explorative feeding is a fantastic way to excite and mentally stimulate your pet, and serves as a good distraction when you leave the house. Try hiding some of your pet's food or some treats in different places around the home or backyard. Remember to use different levels for cats! Sniffing out their next meal will keep them busy and occupied while you are away.

6. Distract them with Long Lasting Treats

Long lasting treats such as Goat Horn, Cow Hooves, and Ear Chews are great to keep your dog occupied when they're alone. Dental treats such as Greenies, Whimzees and Oravet are also long lasting while helping keep your pet's teeth clean.

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7. Music To Their Ears

Studies have shown that playing music helps to calm and reduce anxiety in pets, with a decrease in barking, respiratory rates and the stress hormone cortisol. Music genres such as soft rock and classical have been shown to have the most soothing effect. Playing music can also help to calm pets that suffer from storm and noise phobias.

Try leaving the radio or TV on, or play some relaxing music for your pet, next time you need to leave the house.

8. best you can

For many pet owners who have adopted in the last two years, socialisation opportunities for their pup may not have been available. With many puppy preschools, dog parks and training facilities closed intermittently, this important socialisation period may have been lost and owners may be concerned about how best to socialise their pup in these difficult times.

Socialisation is important for dogs of all ages. Exposing dogs to the many sights, smells and sounds of the world, reduces fear and anxiety and helps build confidence.

  • Dog Parks and Beaches - are a great way to socialise your dog. To begin with introduce them through the fence to the other dogs and monitor their reaction. If they are showing signs of being happy and wanting to play then try entering. Keep your dog on a lead to ensure that they are not too overwhelmed before letting them off to play.

  • Puppy Preschool and Obedience Classes are a great way to build your pups confidence. With professionals on hand to guide and teach dogs and owners about the best way to introduce your pup to other dogs.

  • Pooch Playdates with friends can be great for socialising your dog. Meeting at a park or mutual area can help to reduce territory aggression and allows dogs to meet on mutual terms.

  • Doggy Daycare- many pet parents are opting to have their pet cared for during the day by a doggy daycare. This is a great way to socialise your pet and keep them busy while you are at work.

  • Social Meet-Ups- there are many 'Dog or Breed Meet-up Groups' on social media. These groups often arrange social catchups and are a great way to socialise your dog and meet other owners that have a dog just like yours!

  • Lots of Walks! - walking your dog exposes them to many different sights and sounds. Dogs that are regularly walked are generally less fearful of the outside world and are more confident when encoutering new sights and sounds.

When To See The Vet

The best solution to managing stress and anxiety, comes down to the individual pet and the severity of the symptoms that they are experiencing. In dogs, severe cases may not be able to be left alone without injuring themselves and in cats, stress can lead to life threatening medical issues.

If your pet is suffering from severe anxiety or stress, consultation with a behavioural veterinarian may be required. A treatment plan will be tailored to your pet's individual needs and may include the use of prescription medication.

If you are unsure what is the best option for your pet, reach out to the Pet Circle Vet Squad either by Live Chat or booking a free Video or Phone Chat.

Further Reading

Separation Anxiety In Dogs

How To Reduce Anxiety In Cats

How To Make Pet Dental Care Easier

Games you can play with your cat

Guide To Fleas, Ticks and Worms

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