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food for british shorthair food for british shorthair cats food for british shorthair

Feeding British Shorthair

What's the best food for a British Shorthair? Our vets recommend premium quality, highly digestible formulas which are gentle on the stomach and contain everything your cat needs to thrive.

    trees and scratchers for british shorthair trees and scratchers for british shorthair trees and scratchers for british shorthair

    Trees, scratchers and beds for your British Shorthair kitty

    British shorthairs love nothing more than a nap in the sun, they love having cat scratchers or cat trees where they can perch themselves at different levels!

      toys for british shorthair toys for british shorthair toys for british shorthair

      Stimulate their brain and keep them happy

      Keeping our British shorthair cats entertained and mentally stimulated is important for their overall wellbeing! Use interactive toys to keep them stimulated!

        Tips for British Shorthair owners

        • British shorthairs can be prone to tear staining around the eyes and nose, make sure to give those a wipe when you see them to prevent build up and irritation!
        • While most cats don't like nor need regular baths, this doesn't mean that they shouldn't be groomed! A good brushing session can be a great bonding experience for you and your cat!
        • British shorthairs are naturally well-muscled and thick cats, therefore it is important to carefully control their nutrition to prevent them becoming overweight! Being overweight predisposes them to health issues such as diabetes and joint problems.
        Read the breed guide
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        Keeping your British Shorthair cat healthy

        Our british shorthair friends are prone to developing dental and joint disease as they get older! Early prevention and supplement is key to a healthy aging process.

          litter and grooming for british shorthair litter and grooming for british shorthair litter and grooming for british shorthair

          Keeping your house and kitty clean and fresh

          Our british shorthair friends are prone to tear staining, be sure to keep their eyes clean! While baths are not usually neccssary, a regular grooming session can keep your cat's fur nice and lush while enjoying a nice bonding session with them.

            essentials for british shorthair kitten essentials for british shorthair kitten essentials for british shorthair kitten

            Essentials for British Shorthair Kitten

            Give your British Shorthair kitten the best possible start in life with a premium quality kitten food designed to support healthy bone and joint growth.

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                Games You Can Play with your Cat

                Do you want to improve your relationship with your cat? Playtime is a great way to not only strengthen the bond between youRead more

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                Best Toys for Indoor Cats

                The cat is a special and unique animal. On one hand, they are a keen, swift, hunting machine with fine-tuned killer instincts.Read more

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                What is the best flea and tick treatment for cats?

                Every year, more and more parasite preventative products for cats are released onto the Australian market...Read more

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                How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Cats

                Could your kitty be suffering from anxiety? Cats are very prone to anxiety and it can present in a number of different waysRead more

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                How to make travelling less stressful for your cat

                So many cat owners know the stress of the dreaded vet visit. The carrier comes out of storage then the cat goes missing, or runs underneath the bed!Read more

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                How to Catify Your Home

                Is your home cat-friendly? No matter how small your living space, there are so many ways you can 'catify' your home...Read more